Holli Pfau, a truly gifted writer and avid golden retriever lover, recounts the joys, challenges, and rewards of sharing her life with six rescued golden retrievers, each with a distinct personality that offers genuine love. One by one, Holli introduces readers to these remarkable dogs, from the wise Nikki to the abused but loving and […]
Author: Yurda
Speak For The Speechless! Defend The Defenseless! Arm The Animals! This is the mission of Arm the Animals, a young team of dedicated pet lovers designing, creating and selling stylish T-shirts that make a statement, raise awareness, and generate funds for small, struggling animal rescues. Almost one year ago I visited the Flea Market in Pasadena where I […]
We received this great infographic from pet365.co.uk this week and wanted to share the superb work of Pet365 with our community. We love the way they approach their topic – pet365.co.uk spreads knowledge in a fun and entertaining way, with wonderful, easy-to-understand visuals. If you are interested in adding this graphic or the banner to […]
While maintaining our PackPeople’s Twitter account 1 month ago I found Julie Hill’s profile and thought that this could be a very interesting addition to our interview series. Julie is the founder of DogCast Radio, a twice monthly radio show all about dogs which first aired in 2005. On her website you can hear the […]
50 Interviews – Thank you to all participants for making it possible – We love what we’re doing and we’re happy to announce our 50th interview today. Since May 2011 we’ve had the pleasure interviewing America’s hardest working pet rescues, animal welfare organizations, pet-related businesses and a lot other fun people. Love, WOOF and MIAU. […]
Dedicated to improving the welfare of homeless dogs cared for by humane organizations, animal control facilities and rescue groups, the Center for Shelter Dogs is a free program of the Animal Rescue League in Boston and provides expert knowledge through workshops and other educational offerings. Dr. Amy Marder is a Clinical Behaviorist and leads the […]
Yes, we love our pets. In my household I have more pictures of my dogs than my family (oooops!) and I’m always looking for new, interesting and unique ways to show off my dogs’ beauty:). That’s how I found Ashley Beech Reid’s website http://www.ashleyreid.net – I was surfing for an exceptional pet portrait artist – […]
Tamira Ci Thayne – The Godmother of Anti-Tethering, a passionate activist and advocate, an author of two books founded Dogs Deserve Better in 2002 to educate people and inform about the issue of chained and penned dogs. She works hard toward appropriate legislation, speaks in front of communities and provides very informative materials on her […]
We’re thrilled to receive this very special guest entry from author Holli Pfau, whose new book shares a powerful, touching journey while giving hope and help to the dogs and organizations who make the human, and humane, experience a richer one. We’ll also be featuring an interview with Holli next month, so please stay close […]
Hey Dog – Lovers, we’re reaching out to you with this weeks Adoptable Shelter Dogs. I visited the East Valley Animal Shelter, CA this morning and took some pictures. Great dogs are waiting for homes. Please help sharing! [nggallery id=55]