Animal Stories Articles Pet Care

The Elegance of Gymnastics and Dog Training

Guest article by Julie Stack ~ Thank you for submitting I always look forward to the Womens’ Olympic gymnastics sports competitions. The Olympic gymnasts are mesmerizing to watch as they tackle each apparatus with such grace, artistic ability, strength, and flexibility.  A gymnast must have complete focus, strength and coordination to perform well, especially on the […]

Articles Get informed and educated News Pet Care

How to use a prong collar and choke chain

I’m shocked how people use prong collars (pinch collar) and choke chains. Every day I stumble upon dog owners handling their dogs with prong collars. I talk to them and try to educate them and while some do listen, some just ignore my suggestions. Some owners are seeking for solutions without consulting professional help from […]

Articles Cool and Fun Stuff Get informed and educated

'Sit' is the most well-known – Dog training statistics [Infographic]

A well behaved dog is by far a happier dog! Why? Because a trained dog requires fewer restrictions. Do you agree? Check the Infographic and let us know what you think? Dog Training graphic created by Matt Beswick for Pet365 – a UK supplier of dog beds, collars and coats.

Interviews on Pet Care

Do you have 5 dogs and a baby? Audio interview with dog trainer Kelly King.

While searching the internet for interesting, fun organizations we could interview, I found this terrific website called 5 Dogs and a Baby. It made sense – we’ve learned from our audio/video interviews with various Animal Rescues all across America that one of the reasons people give up their dog(s) is that they are having a […]